Guy-Robert Lukama holds degrees in international economics (Bachelors) and finance (Masters) from l'Université Catholique de Louvain (Catholic University of Louvain) in Belgium. He began his career in a Belgolaise bank at the end of the 1990s, before joining Banque Commerciale du Congo—BCDC (Commercial Bank of the Congo)—in the mid 2000s. In 2006, he moved to mining, as the General Director of AngloGold Ashanti in the DRC from mid-2006 to September 2014. In parallel, he chaired the BCDC's Board of Directors.
Since 2014, he has been the Executive Director of Fimosa Capital and the main shareholder (86%) of Mongbwalu Gold Mines, formerly Ashanti Goldfields Kilo. In parallel to these roles, he was approached by Gécamines in mid-2018 to be an independent consultant and Chief Transformation Officer, before being promoted to the Board of Directors in June 2019.
Moreover, he has also chaired the Board of Directors of Société Congolaise Pour le Traitement du Terril de Lubumbashi (STL) (Congolese Terril Treatment Company of Lubumbashi), one of Gécamines' main assets, since 2021. In 2023, he was named Chairman of Gécamines SA Board of Directors.