Recreational activities for Gécamines children and their parents during 2022 introduction to tennis at Cercle Kilima (Kilima Circle) in Makomeno.
In each of the exploitation groups, La GECAMINES SA organized education and family-advocacy centers, recreation circles, youth centers, play and recreational areas, as well as omnisports arenas.
GECAMINES SA also sponsored clubs for various sports, such as football, basketball, and volleyball.
In terms of its accommodation policy, L’Union Minière du Haut Katanga (Miner Union of Haut Katanga), first, and Gécamines, second, built houses to accommodate workers. In addition, they received free water and electricity supply.
As part of its social policy, Gécamines gave its employees the opportunity to buy the houses that they had been renting in the cities of Lubumbashi, Likasi, and Kolwezi, as well as in the localities of Kipushi, Kambove, Kakanda, Fungurume, and Luena. This operation, called “House Rent-Sale”, had a positive effect on the housing shortages in the province.
La Société GECAMINES SA also sold its employees reduced-priced food products in the supply centers and dining halls.